Tutor Registeration

Tutor Register

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Join us and you’ll have everything you need to teach successfully.

Set your own rate

Choose your own monthly fee. On average, our tutors charge ₹ 15000 - ₹ 25000 per month.

Teach anytime, anywhere

Decide when and how many hours you want to teach. No minimum time commitment or fixed schedule.

Grow professionally

Get tips to upgrade your skills. You’ll get all the help you need from our team to grow.

I can't thank my tutor enough for helping me grasp complex concepts in math. Their patience and clear explanations have made all the difference. With their guidance, I've not only improved my grades but also gained confidence in my abilities

My tutor is more than just a teacher; they're a mentor and a friend. Their dedication to my success is evident in every session we have. Thanks to their support, I've overcome many academic challenges and feel more prepared than ever for my exams

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